
Milk Experiment #68: An Add

From: SueKnaus <msk...@c...>
To: <>
Subject: milk
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1904 16:29:17 -0700

Dear whom ever this may concarn.
    I was wondering how you are able  to  contact people if u have ideas for
a commercial or  an add?  And if you would like to share  it.
        Thank  you for takink your time  to  read  this.
                Julie  Knaus

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 10:07:36 -0700
To: SueKnaus <msk...@c...>
Subject: Re: milk

>I was wondering how you are able  to  contact people if u have ideas for
>a commercial or  an add?

If you have an idea for a commercial to advertise, then this is
the right place to send it. With regards to addition, though, has
absolutely no interest; if you have an idea about that, then I would recommend
contacting the American Mathematical Society <http...>.

Best Regards,
the team