
Milk Experiment #5: Government Approval

From: Cou...@a...
Subject: milk
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 16:58:18 -0400 (EDT)

Who would i write to when i have an idea of a new got milk commercial?

To: Cou...@a...
Subject: milk

>Who would i write to when i have an idea of a new got milk commercial?

Please write to your congressperson. Given the milk industry's
subsidized state, all milk commercials require government approval.
The first step in the process is when a congressperson submits a
"concept sketch" for a new commercial to the House or Senate floor
for debate. If enough of them like it, then it will get drafted as
a bill, and eventually, assuming all goes well, get signed by the
President. After that, actual production can begin.

For further info, please see


From: Cou...@a...
Subject: Re: milk
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 1997 17:47:37 -0400 (EDT)

jackass,i would not have to do all that just for a milk commercial

>jackass,i would not have to do all that just for a milk commercial

If you knew that, then why'd you bother asking in the first place? I
hope you finally did read the FAQ at <>, since
it will likely clear up any confusion you may have vis a vis myself,
the government, and those "Got Milk?" guys. Have a pleasant day, and
keep drinking that nutritious, dee-licious milk!
