
Milk Experiment #36: Milk Ice Cream Factory

See also: Milk Experiment #61

From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: hi
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:30:16 +0800

hello im anita  I go to Mirrabooka primary school. we are doing a value
adding quest and my friend and I are making milk ice cream the reason why im
asking is because we are not allowed to do something that's already being
made . so have you discovered  milk ice cream to make so we don't copy other
wise we will fail   . please tell me a email address or a phone number of
the factory so I could find out how much the milk would cost. I probably
wont buy any but its part of the project. You know. We are like getting
ready inncasse one day when we're older we actuelly make a factory do we
just need details.

                 thankyou:  you can write back at


From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 09:31:40 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: Re: hi

>have you discovered  milk ice cream

Isn't all ice cream "milk ice cream"?



From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:11:21 +0800

ha ha

your quite friendly! No, what we are doing is putting milk with nesquick
into a cup and then stiring it and putting in a popstick and put the cup in
a freezer. The when you take it out you get a milk icypoles. Read the
attachment. Please answer our question about the milk and how much it
costs!Thanks for replying and please reply again.

>From Rachel and Anita

-----Original Message-----

[Editor's note: There was no attachment.]

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 20:11:23 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi

>Please answer our question about the milk and how much it costs!

I'll answer your question after you write a one paragraph summary (at least
five sentences) of what you find on the website and what you
think the purpose of the website is, and email that summary back to me.



From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 09:44:27 +0800

hi what does writing 5 sentences on what i find on the website got to do
with what i and my friend want to know ok? The internet is soooo big and we
do not know how to find it. Please at least gives us a phone number. We just
want to know how much it costs!!!! Please because time is running out!
Rachel and Anita

-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 18:45:27 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi

>hi what does writing 5 sentences on what i find on the website got to do
>with what i and my friend want to know ok?

In not much longer than the time it took you to write that email to me, you
could have also looked over and seen for yourself what it has
to do with your question. My offer still stands: Should you write that
summary, and mail it to me, I promise to tell you everything I know about
the wholesale price of milk.



From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 11:08:43 +0800

look ive allready been to to see whats on it ok thats where i
found your email address and theres nothing to do about what we want to know
so please just tell us we only have until friday to do this and its
wednesday  so please tell us what we want to know do not email here any more
email at

rac...@h... thanks bye

-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 01:03:14 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>, rac...@h...
Subject: RE: hi

Anita writes:
>look ive allready been to to see whats on it ok thats where i
>found your email address and theres nothing to do about what we want to know

Ah. There's the crux of the matter. So, there's *nothing* on my site that
has anything to do with your question, or with dairy products in general,
other than the name, and you still somehow seem to think that, even so, I
have some sort of special dairy knowledge. There are a *lot* of websites
whose names are common words and whose contents aren't really about those
words. is one, for example, in addition to my own.

What I was trying to get you to realize with the request for a summary was
exactly that. All that's on is my personal home page, stuff
about my music, a computer geeky barcode thing, and a couple other random
bits, none of which have anything to do with milk. I was hoping you'd
realize that this was a very good indication that I'm not part of the dairy
industry, and that you'd realize you're wasting your time trying to get
information out of me that I simply don't have.

By the way, I do know a little bit of general information about how free
market prices tend to work (not specifically dairy), which I would have
told you had you written the five sentence summary. However, you didn't.

Best of luck,


From: "Rachel Bennett" <rac...@h...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:23:16 +0800

lol now u tell us! its a bit let now. but if its then why do u
have ur website?? oh well. thanks anyway (Thats anitas fault anyway she
didnt look)


>From: Dan Bornstein <>

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2001 12:01:54 -0700 (PDT)
To: "Rachel Bennett" <rac...@h...>
Subject: RE: hi

>lol now u tell us!

Again, I obliquely hinted at it fairly early on. If your partner had taken
the hint instead of being so stubborn, perhaps you would've saved a lot of
time and trouble.

>but if its then why do u have ur website??

That question is answered on the "About the MILK Logo" page, accessible
right off of the home page, *and* the "Milk Feedback" page (the one that
has my email address) also explicitly points to that page.

Best of luck,


From: "Rachel Bennett" <rac...@h...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:26:20 +0800

oh i get it now,
we thanks anyway,
sorry if we bothered u and good luck with your website

>From: Dan Bornstein <>

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 01:32:14 -0700 (PDT)
To: "Rachel Bennett" <rac...@h...>
Subject: RE: hi

>sorry if we bothered u

No worries; I wasn't bothered at all. If I had been, then I wouldn't have
replied in the first place. Quite the opposite, really.



From: "Rachel Bennett" <rac...@h...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 16:37:25 +0800


>From: Dan Bornstein <>

From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 09:44:14 +0800

yeah thanks alot we might fail because of you you could of told us u know we
dont even have much time now thanks

-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 18:45:46 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi

>you could of told us u know

And you could have written that 5 sentence summary for me a week and a half
ago, and by doing so, you would have realized your problem that much
sooner. You could have also tried other sources of information. Don't try
to blame me for the precarious situation you find yourself in.

Your partner seems to have a much more sanguine attitude about it all.



From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 10:11:42 +0800

youre not my teacher to tell us we got to write you a summary of 5 sentences
we have got to many problems to deal with than to write about your email

-----Original Message-----

From: Dan Bornstein <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 20:07:54 -0700 (PDT)
To: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi

>youre not my teacher to tell us we got to write you a summary of 5 sentences

Of course I'm not your teacher, and of course you didn't have to write that
summary for me. I merely requested it of you as part of our friendly email

I provided you with an implicit choice: *If* you wrote the summary, then I
would have quickly provided further information. That is, writing the
summary was the price you were to pay for my information on dairy prices.
If you *didn't* write the summary, then all bets were off. It was your
choice not to write the summary, and instead you tried to extract
information from me by other means, none of which worked.

You could have saved a lot of time if, on June 13, you had either decided
to answer my request in the first place, or decided to simply drop the
matter and ignore me, concentrating instead on other possible ways of
solving your problem.

I get from the tone of your recent messages that you are angry with me. If
that's the case, then I am truly sorry that that's how you feel, and I hope
you feel better soon.



From: Anita Maketic <Ani...@m...>
Subject: RE: hi
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 11:41:05 +0800

u got that right

-----Original Message-----