From: maus@Morgan.COM (Malcolm Austin) Subject: Re: Computer idiocy (was Re: Stupid People) You will think I am making this up, but I swear that this is true: I was working for a now defauct merchant bank when another guy in our (computer) department came into my office in hysterical laughter. He told me he had just fielded a question from a woman whose department had gotten PCs installed two months previously. (Not by our group, we wrote software.) She told him her problem, and he figured out that a few files were lost from a floppy disk. "Do you make backups?" he asked hopefully. "Oh, yes, we were instructed to copy all of our data disks every day." "Well, put the backup copy in the computer, and I'll show you how to restore the files." "You mean put it in the printer?" "Huh? Put it in the disk dirve." "How am I going to do that?" You see, each night they used a Xerox machine to copy their disks, and neatly stored the pictures of each disk in a filing cabinet. My response was to suggest that we fax them a new copy of their disk. :^)